Professional Stuff

Professional Stuff - Easy Links

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Research papers
  3. Teaching Material

I hold an undergraduate honours degree in zoology from Dundee University, my interest was in animal behaviour. 

I graduated with a PhD in psychology from Edinburgh, my focus was on cognitive psychology, applied in mental training for athletes (sports psychology) and mental training for people trying to influence micro-circuitry (parapsychology). 

After 18 months of post-doctorate work in parapsychology, I moved to Fiji to teach at the University of the South Pacific for the newly established Applied Psychology programme that had just been started. I taught there for 9 years, with a focus on research methods, personality and cross cultural psychology. I taught a number of other courses including a statistical component for the MBA programme that the University ran.

I started doing small contractual advisory works for the Fiji government and a non-governmental organisation looking at HIV/AIDS awareness issues around Fiji. This work increased to the extent that a company was formed a few years later.

Locus ab auctoritate est infirmissimus -- Thomas Aquinas